This program accommodates children from Kindergarten (must have older sibling attending) through 5th grade. The program operates Monday-Thursday, 2:30pm-4:30pm and includes a Bible lesson, snack, homework, and planned organized free time (such as playing outside, arts and crafts, computer time, etc.) The children participate in a Thank You Tour January-May where they are invited by churches to come and sing some songs during worship service. This tour provides the opportunity for churches to learn about the program, donate, and potentially become a sponsor/volunteer. Maximum number of students is 15.
The preschool program accommodates children ages 3-5, meeting once a week from 9am-12pm (Setember-May) to learn the fundamentals before they go to school. We also include two mission projects a month and help with the garden. KCC works with Fallon Park Elementary to accomplish this goal of learning and being prepared for a classroom. Maximum amount of students is 6.
This year-round program impacts families 10-12 on how to grow food in their own yard. Employees fence in a small section of yard and teach the families how to nurture and harvest the food, as well as preserving it by freezing or canning. Weekly visits are provided with a short devotion and to see what needs need to be met. The plants and supplies are provided by KCC, making this one of our more expensive programs.
Upcoming Food Preservation Classes, 5:30pm-7:30pm – August 31st: Tomatoes and other things, September 14th: Chow Chow and Relish, September 14th: Cabbage and Kraut, October 5th: Pumpkin
This program provides the opportunity to give all of the teachers at Fallon Park Elementary an encouraging note and a bag of school supplies to restock what has been used. We love and appreciate the hard work our teachers do!
This weekly program accommodates adults, mainly senior, and meets every Thursday from 9:30am-11:30am. During this hour we dig into the word of God, sing hymnals and distribute lunches. Field trips are offered at least twice a year. Many of the participants have been coming for many years. On average we can have fifteen-eighteen adults.
Adults: Class begins August 25th, 9:30am-12:00pm (Wednesdays). Anyone is welcome to participate.
Teens: Class starts back August 25th, 4:30pm-6:30pm (Wednesdays) for 6th grade and up. A snack and devotion are provided as the teen girls learn how to make baby blankets and quilts that will be donated to the Blue Ridge Women’s Center. This program started in October 2019 and there are two-four teen girl participants.
This program accommodates up to forty children and starts the week after school is let out for the summer and runs until the first week of August. Though COVID-19 has changed the way we run our summer camp, it has not stopped the message of God from being heard. KCC operates our own family camp for three days, with the assistance of volunteers.
This program accommodates students Pre-K through college. In June and July school supplies are collected, with the goal being enough for one hundred fifty backpacks. This year (2021) KCC was able to give out 125 backpacks *to those who had signed up* through many donations and the support within the community.
WEEKEND BAGS: On Thursdays our after-school children and their younger siblings get a bag of food consisting of snacks and Bible stories to have over the weekend.
SEASONAL FOOD BOXES: 50 Boxes for Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are given out to participants and needy families in the community. This program accommodates fifty food boxes for each holiday listed and food is donated by churches and individuals. - Click the link for the 2021 Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Needs List
Non-perishable food is collected year round and there are two ways for people to receive food from our pantry:
1. Monthly bags are given out if participants attend three Bible studies a month.
2. A client from a counseling agency makes an appointment and comes with their counselor.
We understand that emergency situations/crises may arise and food will be given by employees with discretion. There are about two to three client/counselor appointments per month and eighteen to twenty monthly bags given out.